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35 years Of Experience

A waterproofing membrane is a thin layer of material used to prevent water from contacting another material that it is placed over. Waterproofing membranes may be adhesive or simply laid on top of the material they are supposed to protect. Waterproofing membranes are made from many different materials and are commercially available in various sizes and thicknesses. Waterproofing membranes are used for many applications, such as covering concrete while it is being formed to prevent water from compromising the structural integrity of the concrete, or coated on products that are submerged under water where corrosion is a concern.

Combined Years Of Experience

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Torch On Projects Completed

Rolls of Membrane used


214 Beyers Naude Drive 


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Monday - Friday: 7am – 4pm
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Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed

For All Your Roof Repairs, Membrane Waterproofing, Roof Coating, Torch On Waterproofing Requirements
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